Want to apply for Erasmus+ KA1 project funding?

What is Erasmus+?

Erasmus+ is the EU’s program for education, training, youth, and sport for the years 2021-2027, with a budget of €26.2 billion, nearly doubling from the previous term. This increase greatly enhances the chances of securing a grant for your project.

  • Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA1): Provides learning mobility opportunities for teachers, pupils, non-teaching staff, and education experts.
  • Funding Opportunities: KA1 funding can cover job shadowing, professional development courses for staff, group mobility for pupils, and inviting experts.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: KA1 project funding includes lump sums for training/course fees, travel tickets (depending on distance), accommodation, and food.

For more information and to apply, visit the Erasmus+ website.

See also our Ultimate Erasmus guide!

The idea of facilitating exchanges between international students and teachers worldwide gained momentum in the 1960s, notably with the Erasmus initiative launched in 1969 by scientist and educator Sofia Corradi, known as “Mamma Erasmus.” Erasmus is one of the leading programs, financing and enabling over 9 million people to study, teach, and experience foreign education systems since its inception.